Weekend-Sochi Weekend-Sochi - Transport & Travel Company

The number of fans who visited Sochi "Fisht" for 6 days of the world Cup — 265 thousand

The number of fans who visited Sochi "Fisht" for 6 days of the world Cup — 265 thousand

This data is provided by the resource Tourstat. Thus, Sochi stadium was among the three most visited complexes during the world Cup. "Spartak "(Moscow) and" Luzhniki " (Moscow) took respectively the second and first place in the ranking. Both complexes were 100% full. Sochi Fisht was filled by 99.4%.

The exact number of fans who visited Sochi "Fisht" for 6 days of the world Cup — 265 thousand. Recall that the stadium accommodates about 44 thousand spectators. Meanwhile, all over Russia, 56 games were held, which were watched live, almost 3 million fans. Sochi has not only become the third most visited "Fisht", but also to have fun. This is reported by the resource for booking accommodation Tvil.ru Oh? As it turned out, in the resort capital of Russia entertainment programs for football fans were held along with St. Petersburg and Moscow. According to a survey conducted in social networks, these three cities have become the most memorable for football fans.

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