Weekend-Sochi Weekend-Sochi - Transport & Travel Company

Weekend-Sochi and hotel VERTEX became partners

Weekend-Sochi and hotel VERTEX became partners

Transport company Weekend-Sochi and hotel VERTEX became partners. Now when booking your hotel via weekend-sochi.ru website visitors receive a discount of 10%.

Hotel VERTEX is located in the village of esto-Sadok in the area of the mountain resort "Gorki Gorod" (Krasnaya Polyana). The hotel offers rooms decorated in Alpine style. The interior decoration of the hotel rooms used natural materials: granite, marble, onyx and wood. VERTEX is an ideal place for mental and physical recuperation. The hotel has 50 first-class rooms, giving guests an atmosphere of comfort and warmth.

For quick and easy movement to the attractions of the mountain resorts of Krasnaya Polyana, you can always use the car rental service, as well as book a transfer to the airport or other location of the Big Sochi.

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